“First Impression is the Last Impression,” this saying can hold true in the field of real estate. A good real estate agent or broker can secure a deal in the first impression that he/she puts on their client. This first impression can be more impact if they are the first ones to meet their clients. As an agent, you know how game changing it could be if you knew the next home that will sell in your area before anyone else does.

The pioneering company, Offrs, has made this possible. They have brought in the market the first-ever product for real estate agents and brokers that can help them to find out about future listings in their area.  With this being a primary function, other functionalities are very helpful for agents. Some of them are automatic lead generation and campaign marketing. All this with the help of new AI breakthrough – R.O.O.F.

When asked about what and why Offrs does, Mark Dickson said “Our aim is simple – to connect real estate agents with homeowners looking to sell. We realized that there is a changed needed in the market and then R.O.O.F happened. Since its advent, there has been no stopping. We are happy to help so many agents.”

Offrs has a high predictive analysis smart algorithm and a team of hardworking and dedicated experts to keep R.O.O.F up and running all the time. They are working right now with around +4,000 agents in 40 different states. They realize the competitiveness that exists in the real estate market that is why they provide exclusive access to one agent per territory.

To all those real estate agents and brokers, the next big change in the market has happened, and it is right here at Offrs. The company is providing a chance to help you make the most out of your present and become the leaders of tomorrow.